HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-198PICTURED 2000 - 0 0 1 9 8 RECORDED SCO'F1'S DLUFF COUNTY. fie 'OOJAN28 PFII209 00198 LOTS ONE AND TWO, BLOCK ONE ~ REED SUBDIVISION GERING, NEBRASKA SHEET 2 OF 3 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, Kally ~ Beatty, a Nebraska Registered Land Surveyor, hereby certify that I have surveyed and prepared a plat of LOTS ONE AND TWO, BLOCK ONE, REED SUBDMSION, A Subd~ in the City of Ge#ng, Scotts Bluff County, Nebraska, si~uated in the North Haff of the Southeast Qua/ter of the Southeast Qua/ter of the ~t Quarter of Section 35, Township 22 No~th, Range 55 West of the 6th P.M., Scotts Bluff County, Nebraska, more perUcularly dasc#bed as follows: Commencing at the East Qua/ret Comer of Sectkm 35, ffmnce northerly on the East line of said Section 35, on an assumed bearing of N O0~O~O0'E, a disa~ce of 329.80 feet, to the Sou~east Comer of the North Half of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Ocmrter of the Northeast Quan~r of Sec'ffi~ 35, and said point also being the POINT OF BEGINNING, thence continuing on last described course, a distance of 329.80 feet, to the Norltmast Comer of ff~e North Half of the Souffmast Quarter of the Souff~ Quarter of the ~t Quarter of SecUon 35, thence bearing S 89°3~22'W, a distance of 659.28 fee~ to ff~e Northwest Comer of Um North Haft of ffm Soul?mast Qua/ter of the Souffmast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 35, ffmnce bearing S 00"09'52'E, a distance of 329.40 feet, to the Southwest Corner of the North Half of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quar~r of ~ Northeast Quarter of Section 35, thence bearing N 8g~39'51'E, a distance of 658.33 feet, to the Point of Beginning, containing an area of 4.98 acres, more or less. That the accompanying plat is a true delineation of such survey drawn to a scale of ~8~ feet to the inch. That all dimensions are in feet and declrnala. That each lot and block has its own number and that the boundary of the plat is shown with a heavy solid line ~ dashed lines being for orienta~on purposes only. That all conm~ found or set are marked as shown. '.~'~ ~ ........ .~ ~ ~.' OWNER'$ $TA TEMENT County, Nebraska, as described in Um foregoing 'Sunmy(x's CerUflcate' and slx)wn on the eccompanyfng plat have caused such real estate to be platted as LOTS ONE AND TWO, BLOCK ONE, REED SUBDIVISION, a Subdivision in the City of Gering, ScoEs Bluff County, ~ situated in the North Heft of Ute Southeast Quarter of fire Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of ~ 35, Township 22 Notlh, Range 55 West of the 6th P.M., Scoffs Bluff County, Nebraska. Dated this /~p day of ~ , lg ~/~ . Wastem Terminal Storage, Inc. Paul L. Reed, President Zooo - 0 011 9 LOTS ONE AND TWO, BLOCK ONE~ REED SUBDMSION GERING, NEBRASKA SHEET 3 OF 3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF NEBRASKA ) COUNTY OF SCOT-rS BLUFF) Before me, a Notary Public, qualified and acting in said County, personally came Paul I Reed, President, Western Teffninal Storage, Inc., to me known to be the identical person whose sig-~atum is affixed to the foregoing 'OwneYs Statemenf and aclmowledged the execution thereof to be his volunta/y act and deed and the voluntary act and deed of Western Terminal Storage, Inc. WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL THIS / ~ DAY OF ~X~O... ,19 ct cf. Notify Public · · APPROVAL AND ACCEPTANCE The foregoing plat of LOTS ONE AND TWO, BLOCK ONE, REED SUBDMSION, an Subdivision in the City of Gering, Scotts..Bluff Counfy, Nebraska, situated In the North Half of the Southeast Quarter of the Sou~east Quarter of the Northeast Quart~ of Sectio~ 35, Township 22 North, Range 55 West of the 6th P.M., Scotts Bluff Cour~y, Nebraska, Is hereby approved by the Mayor and C~/ Council of the City of Gedng, Scotts Bluff County, Nebraska, by resolution duly passed this ~)~ -~- day of ~ ~(~% ~,j ,~lg.-~c ~; ~..