HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-874 \'J;~ NUM PAGES....2.... DOC TAX PD-CHG RET FEES 1..3, c-o PD_CHß~RET TOTAL CKNUM ~ REC'D .. BY.. '-¡'¿1~k U)A#PA¡f,,-, Inst 2004 - 0 0 B 7 4 NUM. IND"X COI,'I PUTEH PICTUIŒO fMf\.GED RECORDED SCOTTS BLUFF COUNTY, NE Date ';¡-<f-c:J~ Timed:ðO .[J./n. ~a.¿~ REGISTER OF DEEDS FINAL PLAT LOTS 2A, 2B, 3A, AND 38, BLOCK 2, VANDENBERGE ADDITION, A REPLA T OF LOTS 2 AND 3, BLOCK 2, VANDENBERGE ADDITION TO THE CITY OF SC07TSBLUFF, SC07TS BLUFF COUNTY, NEBRASKA ::x:: I / / ,/ / // , I (.)1 / '" / / I ~, '/." /// , - I t:il ] // ,CO(14 ~ I '" (/ / / /WALLLI ES "n~ I CJ r '/ /',/'/ ;., II I ð: f' /////;/ yO 1 ~ :::!I ///'.' ,// /, W'UE I ~ "'[ / ,./ ", ,f', I ~ //./_-¿//_~_____ __1_= ~ - 20' BUILDING SETBACK I :\~ vO ÇJ~ gjo <:~ ",0 "'0> "" 116.70' RIM S89°39'23"W (ASSUMED) 314" REBAR ( I ).....'..'......./../.....-.7. -.......;.'.:.7.--:T~. . ..' / / .' //",/,/'////. ///,//,//" //~ // /" 6'O(,jM~ ' .,' ,J,/ .., \//.../NA!cUYN ~- '/'11.69' ,/ ,'/ / . ~ /,/ '><$Bf.. 4'33"E :;;;u -0 0:0 °8 ,,"0 00 00 ~'" '" .' f</':~:::/ '7 ['; ///' .' / /' / ,/ ;" ,,_of ---' / ¡///// //o'/ , ./// //./ _/ ,_... // / /' //// :.LL/_1.16.70'R M N89"38'47"E :;; '"' ~"' ;?g ì ~g "'0 ;"0 <c'" o ~ : .. r......···.7.:., /./.'.'''.77.). ~.." I ./ / ,/./ 1'/ /.///' / / ..' ,/ / / ,/ ,- 1'-////' r / .' .. / " .' "j" , .' / / , I // / /'/ ,..-/ _/.. , :; /// / / 1 6. 0' /./ / / // Nag 41'14"E c '/./ // , .... ". ~ 116,67' R /116,70' M S89"34'22"W 26' PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENT SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE 0.,0 0" v 10' UE. I 1 I;;; 10 I'" I I 1314" RfBAR i I I I 1 I 15'U.E. ~~ I Cè 8 I g g I '0 I 80 ~<: :\~ ° 'v ,_ \2\ _/ ~~ vO :'0",'0 R\l"·P vol!- .,y i ,,0 0" v 3 4" REBAR r -,--------------" I I 1 1 I 1 I 1 ::; i ~ s: I d= I ~~ I __ 0 I ",01 _ 0 0>01 d< ¡ ~ ~ o 30 60 . Scale in Feet 15' UE. LEGEND EXISTING CORNER, UNLESS NOTED SET 518" X 30" REBAR, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED BLOCK NUMBER MEASURED RECORD RIGHT OF WAY UTILITY EASEMENT ~ , 1 I I _1__- 3/4" REBAR \9. (2) M R ROW U.E. I, <e/fy A. Beatty, a Nebraska Registered Land Surveyor, hereby certify I have survey a prepared a plat of LOTS 2A, 28, 3A, AND 3B, BLOCK 2, VANDENBERGE ADDITION, A REPLAT OF LOTS 2 AND 3, BLOCK 2, VANDENBERGE ADDITION TO THE CITY OF SC07TSBLUFF, SC07TS BLUFF COUNTY, NEBRASKA. T/1at the accompanying plat is a true delineation of said survey drawn to a scale of 30 feet to the inch That all dimensions are if) feet and decimals. That each lot and block has its own number. That the boundary of rhe plat is shown with a heavy solid line willJ dashed lines being for orientation purposes only. That all comers found or set are marked as Sf10WI1. ( WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL this 'fJ>.¡,b day of ~4 FOR THE FIRM 0 M. C. SCHAFF AND ASSOCIATES,INC. I(elly A B arty, Nebraska Re Istered Land Surveyor, L. S, 476 .20 (;).3 , ............. .......~\.." ----~ ~ '" "\\\.~..~..~.f..t.., X\.û\Sr£~Èð···, ( LS·476 'j \~ .....~/ 1: '·7-f1. 4"v.' ¡:. 1: ....~ SIlR'¡~."" -\ iC' ~l ........... ,"'- y -~. ... ,c I , , , ~ , " i Inst 2004 - 0 0 8 '7 4 LOTS 2A, 2B, 3A, AND 3B, BLOCK 2, VANDENBERGE ADDITION SCOTTSBLUFF, NEBRASKA SHEET 2 OF 2 OWNER'S STATEMENT We, the undersigned being the owners of Lots 2 and 3, Blòck 2, Vandenberge Addition to the City of Scottsbiuff, Scotts Biuff County, Nebraska, as described in the foregoing "Surveyor's Certificate" and shown on the accompanying plat have caused such real estate to be platted as LOTS 2A, 2B, 3A, AND 3B, BLOCK 2, VANDENBERGE ADDITION, A REPLAT OF LOTS 2 AND 3, BLOCK 2, VANDENBERGE ADDITION TO THE CITY OF SCOTTSBLUFF, SCOTTS BLUFF COUNTY, NEBRASKA. That the foregoing plat is made with the free consent and in accordance with the desires of the undersigned owners. We hereby dedicate the easements shown on the piat for the use and benefit of the public. DATED THIS / DAY OF 7)=>C"".....~U , 20m Anderson Builders, Inc., a Nebraska Corporation -p. '/ Il .L David L. Anderson, President ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF NEBRASKA) COUNTY OF SCOTTS BLUFF) Before me, a Notary Public, qualified and acting in said county, personally came David L. Anderson, President of Anderson Builders, Inc., a Nebraska Corporation, to me known to be the identical person whose signature is affixed to tile foregoing "Owner's Statement" and acknowledged the execution thereof to be his voluntary act and deed, and voluntalY act and deed of the Corporation. st t DAY OF ~rD.k WITNESS MY NOTARIAL SEAL THIS ,20 E;¡.3 IJ::~ My Commission Expires: , - , APPROVAL AND ACCEPTANCE The foregoing plat of LOTS 2A, 2B, 3A, AND 3B, BLOCK 2, VANDENBERGE ADDITION, A REPLAT OF LOTS 2 AND 3, BLOC/< 2, VANDENBERGE ADDITION TO THE CITY OF SCOTTSBLUFF, SCOTTS BLUFF COUNTY, NEBRASKA, is hereby approved and accepted by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Scottsbluff, Scotts Bluff Counfy, Nebraska, by resolution dated tl1is do ~ day of 4--....nµ.O.JU-! _ , 20ftL. "'IJ (j -~~ ',Qv"'L \--',-",-=d<-- Mayor ,