HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-2139NUM DOC TAX...-.,~-.~,--- Pt:) ~ FEES ,,...J.L:.,~.~.~ PD..,,,~I4G~''' RET TOTAL -- OK NuM IMA6[D- FINAL PLAT ~ LOT2 H & H J" ' " ' " " 'bDY DETAIL A SUBDIVISION REBAR IS O. I~ WEST OF 77-1E WEST UNE OF LOT I REBAR IS 0.~' WEST OF THE EAST UNE OF LOT 1 PA THWA..~ ROWDETAIL C I I E~ST. ~" REBAR LOTS 1 AND 2, H & H JUDY SUBDIVISION, TO THE CITY OF SCOTTSBLUFF, SCOTTS BLUFF COUNTY, NEBRASKA A SUBD~/IsION IN THE WEST HALF OF THE WEST HALF OF ~ECT~ON 2~, TOWNSHIP,22 NORTH, ~E ~ WEST OF THE eTH P.M., CITY OF SCOTT~BLUFF, SC01TS BLUFF COUNTY, NEBRASKA SECT. 26, T22N-P,56W E)~TST. ~PIKE IN AEPHAL T 50.0~ DRAINA~'~ *'* EASEMENT TO POND SURVEYORS CERT1RCATE I, Kelly ,4. Be&fly, a Nebraska Registered Land Sunmy~, hereby certify I have surveyed end pmpared a plat ol Lo~ I e~12, H & H Judy SllbdMelon to ~e C~/ West Helf of Sac~on 2~, Tov~ 22 ~ ~ ~6 ~ ~ ~ ~ P.M., Begfnr~g at Se~f~ Belfflne HIghwey We~t, and ~eld comer belr~ 246JO l#t ~ el ~ W#t bearing south on measured peq~ncllcular to ~eld Sec~on Hlghwey Weet, a d~tanc® et 2.3O f~at, to the Point of Bet~,,;,~, ama o112.52 acres, mom or less. That the accornpar~ing plat -- 25.0' NATUFIAL EASEMENT SEE DET~ ~ 40.;ELECTPdC~ EASEMENTshownwllhahem, y~lld#nev,4~dashedltneebelngleroflenfe~onP'.~lx:~ae ~AGE 531 ~ ~ FOR THE FIRM OF M~C. SCHAFF AND ASSOCIATES, INC. '~'¢x'''j';~~'z~ 25.0' Kelly A. Sunmyor, L. S. 4, ~J(J~ 2 ~AS~ ~,' ~" P,~,~ '"~ NO~ ~ LEGEND PATHWAY RIGHT OF WAY AS ...' SHOWN ON PLAT ON DEED BOOK 204, PAGE 570 ~ 1.118 ACRES ' DRIVEWAY ACCESS EASEMENT, AS RECORDED IN , - MISCELLANEOUS BOOK 141," PAGE 108 EXISTING SECTION CORNER, AS NOTED EXISTING QUARTER CORNER, AS NOTED EXISTING REBAIt, AS NOTED RIGHT OF WAY MARKER RIGHT OF WAY UNOCCUPIED CORNER ' 200 400 I 2002 02139 OWNER'S STATEMENT LOTS 1 AND 2 H & H JUDY SUBDIVISION, SCO TTSBLUFF, NEBRASKA SHEET 2 OF 2 I, the unde~igned, being the owners of ~hat land, es described in the foregoing ' Surveyo?s Certificate' and shown on the accompanying plat have caused such real estate to be platted as LOTS ONE AND TWO, H & H JUDY SUBDIVISION, TO THE CITY OF SCOTTSBLUFF, SCOTTS BLUFF COUNTY, NEBRASKA, a Subdivision situated in the West Haft of the West Haft of Section 26, Township 22 North, Range 55 West of the 6th P.M., Scott~ Bluff Cour~y, Nebraska. That the foregoing plat is made With the free consent and in accordance with the desires of the undersigned OWrN~a. --deyof ,200[ k, Single Person ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF NEBRASKA ) COUNTY OF SCOTTS BLUFF) Before me, a Notary Public, qualified and acting in said County, personally came Judy L/beack, a Single Person, to me known to be the identical persona whose signature is affixed to the foregoing ' OwneYs Statemenf and acknowledged the execution thereof to be her volur~anl act end deed. My Oommi~sion Expires )"~- ~ ~-0~ APPROVAL AND ACCEPTANCE The foregoing plat of LOTS 1 AND 2, H & H JUDY SUBDIVISION, TO THE CITY OF SCOTTSBLUFF, SCO TTS BLUFF COUNTY, NEBRASKA, a Subdivision situated in the West Haft of the West Half of Section 26, Township 22 North, Range 55 West of the 6th P.M., Scotts Bluff County, Nebraska, is hereby approved and accepted by the Mayor and~ City Council of the City of ScOt~sbluff, Sc(7~ Bluff County, Nebraska, by resolu~on dated this /~h~ day of ~ /~L~L~ ,20 0 ~'.