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111111111111111111I 2007-4806 NUM .INDEX ~-ftv COMPU fER PICTUPED If IMAGED NUM PA.GES .3 DOC: IIV PO CHG _ PFT _ FEES J~.!>D PD -;;r CiiC_FET_ lOTh'. ~~ e.L ;;?,;j.LJO RFG'D . RET {}.dfa.~~. 1Y1DVr..t..LR- lnat. 2007 4806 RECORDED scans BLUFF COUNTY, NE DateJ-/!3,s J 1imeJ:IS-~ ~a.b~ REGISTER OF DEEDS TIllS PAGE INCLUDED FOI{ INDEXING Plat of Parcel One and Parcel Two Of Vakoc Addition To The Village of Morrill, Scotts Bluff Count y,Ne bra ska "",- < H _ SCALI' 1- - JOO~ . o lEGEND Found 5/8- Rebar Unless Notf:(f Set Corners - 5/8- X 24~ Rebar U.S.. Higl111ray 86 R.O."". . "'-c....w Of See 1_-5'1' SHEET 1 OF2 l'RO.ECT, VAKOC AOOITION ANAL PLAT WJ..ME: OF' ~ .nw' .,' I:l o - .... :a ~ t) ~ - '0 ::s I " ~ ti' ~ fa& tOOl Inst. 2007 .,~Q, 4 ~ 06 Parcel One --... ._"u.- ...... ...... --- - lID' g - ... ..... . ~ g ~.j.' 2 ~,.....;;""" ..... ~"'7' 'j I ~ r.. Conoer CUB' ... ot .... .r , ",. .. ~ . 4' '" . lit ,~ - -'"f"'" f">:' , ~, - ~ '..l,- I'ALll/tfl) eotr:m:UC11ON All) 5lI'IU.1lC. lIIIO Eto$f \lIlUN1ll't _ ROAD _ If; ~1 PIlOIIl:>(Joe>--at3 fAlll~1tl Inst.2007 4806 SUR VEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, ScoltM. 8osse'. do herebyoatifY Ihall have surveyed ond",-_ I ond 2,ofV_Addilim. 10 lite VilageofMonin. SoollsBIuIfCounly. Nebrasb, fUrther described as fi>lIows. A port ofT.. Lot 48 ill lite S ~ NE \4ofSccOon IS, Township 23 Nor1h, Ronae S7 w.a oflbe 6Ih PrincipoI MeridiIol, Soolls BIuIfCounly. Nellrasb, ..... partiaJI.-ty _ibod as _ C... . .".. point 1013.00 lOot Eaatof.. . .. f ~.... iIllbe _ ofaaid SccOon; TIleuoc, -..... angIcs 10 said _line ..... . _ of 40-00 lOot 10 . point of .........tio.. _... NIlI1Ilod)' RiIII'k>f-w.y line of U.s. ~ 26. saidpoial_.... lite TRUE POINT OF BIlOINNING; -. "t' ~B..1aII _line tor._ 0(7'''' _ -. W..... ......"'__Iine tor....... of 130.00 li:et; -. -...........lOaaid_1ine iw....... oflSO.OO _ -. ..........10 aaid r line ......-~ li:et; TIleuoc, Soudt, . .........._ aaid _line ..... ....... of199.19li:et; -. __OW......_ of ,-...; ......... SooIIl, ..... .....10 said _line..... ._ofm.64 lOot 10 . poial 01_ f ___Mo.....1). Ript4Way line; -... aaid liRe, Eaat ......- ,. of 130.00 lOot 10'" TRUE POINT OF BIlOINNlNG, I' .;.."..__1.43 .....-........ ond -. of. ~ Ihal_ WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL This 1st day ofJuly. 2007. @~/ ~3 OWNER'S STATEMENT We, Tal A. ond Ruth M. V-. boin& lite _01_ aaid kpI . ;,.c;..., _........... ...._lOlIe ......,.. _......00: _I ond 2, ofVak... Addition, 10'" VaJage ofMomll. Soolls BIuIf~. Ndl....... . ThofonloiaRpIalis......._.......__.._......_lIte....of... . ... 1'_ ~_:of ~.~ ;l.~~ Owner Owner ACKNOWLEOGMENT STATEOFNE8RASKA ) ) SCOTTS BLUFF COUNTY IS. I . .~~ Bcfim:.....NocIry -.....fiod ond adinc ill aaidCounly. F ...ooQy _ T" A. Vak...ond Ruth M. V-. __IDe _lie"''''''''' ......... who signod lite fiN...." . Ownor's Sl8menI" ond .....,," IJl ... oxaallioftlhenoflO bolheir voluntary OCI ond..... WlTNESSMYHANDAND5IitoLdlis IUo...dayof ~ . Ztll>'1 . . ~ ".'~ ~ 'J .- ~ ~ ~~~ ""~~ ::~- . ~~~.., ILU>llU;J My Conunission Expires: ~ 'I I U) II A~OVALANDA~ANCE Tho foRgoiIlg pl. ofPon:ds I ond 2, of V_Addilim, 10 lite VaJageofMonilLSoollsBlulfc..&y, Nob....... Ishorl>y..... ...............by lite 0IaiDn0n ond vm.. -.. ofMarrill. --. by -- duly-" . Th~"'''''''~'Of ~. tA01 . ~.' ..-..... Attest j .~. . .........-I...41\Al~J . '\ T~;:,., CoaIoy jl 0Iainnan ' VaJage Oak SHEET 20F2 PROoEc:T: VAKOC AOOI11ON FINAL PLAT I'AIl. mD <XlI6fII'OCllON NIJ 5l.I'l'lY.1C. _ EAST ClQUIllRY llI.IIll ROAD _ It; ~1 l'lICIIe(lIIlll)-e!5-m3 ~ WJ.AGE: or MOMILL ........