HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-140IWNERS: ~ ~ZO01- OU!~O REOORDED $OOTTS BLUFF COUNTY, NE 'O1JRN 9 P[q 2 10 RE~ISTER OF DEEDS I9 TJ:~FA[ COUPUiER ~ ONNUM BY PICIURE~ R~O'D ~.~ OJl~ ~AJ.~)~.~ iMAGED ,," :' FINAL PLAT PLAT OF LOTS i THRU 15, BLOCK lA, TO THE CITY OF SCOTTSBLUFF, SCOTTS r~ 42nd STREET ~ SECllON LIN~'~ N o o .~ Nsg'41'55"E ,255.43' M, 253.46' R ~.., 30.00' ~ o ~ ~ LOT z 30.00' ~ S89'35'03~ 233.35' Sheet 1 of .3 VANDENBERGE ADDITION BLUFF COUNTY, NEBRASKA 13 12 11 '10 LOT U,E LOT 13 ~ ~6' 2 3 4 5 2.59' ~ ~ I= I LOT LOT LOT 10 ' J ~ 65.72' 49' L~, b o' ~o' I 40TH STREET q d Glen C. Vondenberge LEGEND AREAS: BLOCK lA, 2.147 acres Lot 1: 1.08,2 acres Lots 2-5, 10-15: 0.042 acres each Lots 8 & 9 0.052 acres each Lot 6 0.190 acres Lot 7 0.4.35 acres NOTE; 1. LOT 1, BLOCK 1 PLA~ED AS A "COMMON AREA" 2. LOTS 2 THROUGH 5, BLOCK 1 LOTS 8 THROUGH 15, BLOCK 1 DIMENSIONS ARE BUILDING FOOTPRINT DIMENSIONS, AND DO NOT INCLUDE ROOF EVE OVER-HANG, ROOF RAVE OVERHANGS ARE ALLOWED IN "COMMON AREA' LOT 1 BY ORDINANCE. CENTER LINE EASEMENT LINE 3/4" REBAR CHISLED '×" IN CONCRETE SCALE: 1" = 60' O' 30' 60' 120' Prepared by: 11/22/00 Baker & Associates Engineers Planners Consultants Scottsbluff, Nebraska sheet ,2. InsL z00 - o o 1 4 o SURVP, YOR'S CP, R'rlFICATF, I. DOnald A.' Brush, Nebraskd I~e(Jlala~e~l Ld~d 5uNayor No. 5ti. do hereby certify that I~ hove plotted o Iracl of land de§crlbad ua fOIleW§~ Plot of Lo~s I thru 13, ~lock IA, Vd~donberge Addition Io the ~ily o[ 5collsbluff, ~Scolls ~luff County, H~btdg~d ~ore porliculorly described as follows: Beginning al the tnlersecllon of '~'orlherly right-al-way line of 40th 51reet with the easterly right-of- way line of Avenue G. said poln~ being IhS POIHT OF ~E~tNNING al this description: thence N~'~'O3"E (Assumed Basis of g6drl~g) on Said easterly rlghl-or-woy llne a distance of ~lg 82 leal: ~henee conllnulng on said easlarly right-of-way line HORTU o distance of 26.00 feet to Ihs southwest corner of Lei 2, Block 2, Vehdenberge 'Addtllon to ~he City of 5cotlsblufL ScaUs Bluff County, · Hebraska; lhenoe Nsg'3~'OJ"E eh the ~eulherly llne of said Lei 2 a dlslance of 116.67 feel; Ihence NOffOO'25"E on the easterly II~e oL~ald LO~ 2 a dlsiance of l lO.Jg feel to the southwest corner or Lei 1 al said Block 2: thence ~g'~'O~"E on the southerly llne o[ said Lo~ 1 a dislonce of 116.6~ feet lo a point on the westerly line of Block 1~ ~eo~ge ~alles Replol. Rapier of Lois 2, ~. 4. and 5. Block 7, Oeorgd' ~olles ~dltloh, Seollgbl~l, Sco{J~ ~luff Counly, Nebraska: thence S00'01'01~ on Ihs said westerly tlne of Block t, Oeorge Belles Rapist, a distance of 1~6.17 feel Io the norlhwe~t corner o~ Block 2 of sold Oeorge Holies ~eplal~ {hence SO0'O0'O~ on the westerly llne of ~o~d Block 2, Oeorge Belles Rapist, d dls~dnc6 of Jig.82 feel lo a poln{ on Ihs said northerly rlghl-o~-woy llne of 40~h 5treel: thence ~sg'5~'O3~ on the sold northerly right-of-way lin~ a dlslonce or 233.~6 feet to Ihs polnl o[ beginning, conlolnlh9 2.147 acres, more or less. I furth6i- cerlify that no survey was dane by me or under· my direc[ supervision; that the accomponyln(J pla{ is a correel dellheOtlon of sad survey drown to o scale of 60 Feet to Ihe inch that oll dimensions are In feel ohd declmcflsl {hat each lot and block has its own number: that Ihe oreos are os shown; Ond {hat no ~onumehts were found or 9et. WffN£$$ MY HAND AND SEAL thl~ 22hal day of November 2000 Donald A. Brush, ' . DonOld A. [3rush, ' ' J I , .... Nebraska Land Surveyor Ho, 5ti OWN~R~' STATEMENT We lbs Undersigned, be~ {h& owher~ at {he {rde{ al land described In the foregoing Surveyor's Certlflcule,-heva eeU~ed such teal es~ale Plol o~ L01e f Ihru 15, Block tA, Vondenberge Addi{~on Io Ihs Cily of 5coltsbluH, 5coU~ Blurt COUnty, We hereby dedicate Ihs access and utlll{y easements ~o Ihs Use ohd bens[Il of the public. The f~regolng' pla{ ond the occesg and ulili{y eosemenls shown oH ~he plot ore made wllh the free cohgeh~ and In accordu~ce wl(h the desires of Ihs undersigned owners. o{ ~Ovembet 2~00. Glen ~. V?~n~erge . Deed of trust Trugiee/~e~etlclary P~E VALL[Y BANK Scollsbluff. NE Doled ~h~s ~ ddy at November 2000. uidne R. Vandenberge : 00%4O SI,eel ~ m-~ $ .ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF NEORASKA ) COUNIY OF- SCO~S BLUFF ) Before m~; o Notary Public, gaul[fled odd ocUng in sold County, per~ono~ly Glen C. Vondehberge odd D om~ R VoMd~Db'e~ e h come be Ih ' ' · ~$ u~bond ~nd wde, known to me {o oc~now,eogeo me execuuon thereof {o be {heir ~o~n{o~ ac{ odd deed. APPROVAL AND ACCEPTANCE The foregoing plot of Lots t Ihru ti, Block lA, Vondenberge Addillon to Ihe Cay of Scollsbluff, Scolts Bluff County, Nebraska; is approved 'by 'the DirectOr of Development Serv;ces of the City of Sco{Isbluff, Nebraska pursuant I° Sedll0n fg-gl6, ~elssiJe of Revised ~tatules of . by Section tO 'of L B..~"Zt o--r .... ' ......... Nebraska os amended .u~ ~, pp uveo March b ]gB5 and to Article 1 of h or Ordil'1~lnce 2600 ~'t tAe C t'- of ~'- "~" '; Copter 20 /r I 'LF/ "/ ' Ot:o('so'u", os amended by Ordlnonce 28,2 of Ihe City. Ow'Obi McL~3ughfin, Olreclor of' Development Services: STATE OF COUNTY OK ScoTrs BLUKF ACKNOWLEDGMENT' ) ~efore me, cS Notary P~bllc, qualified and acting in sold Counly, personally come Owoln UcL0ugflll,, Oily vt ~e0ll~bluff, Nebrogko, known t . person wNO ~lq,~d the tote 'aIM " . o me {o be Ihe identical g q ~pprovol ohd Acceptance" and acknowledged the execution .!h~re~f t0 be hl~ volunlo~ oct dnd deed. Notary'Publlc ' ' ) ~'~ LONI M DEmNE~ _J '