HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-7684Doc TAX P~ -- ~ --"~ " TOTAL Inst. ZOOO- RECORDED SCOTTS BLUFF COUNTY, NE 'OO OEC LOT 3, BLOCK 1 SECOND IMMIGRANT TRAIL SUBDIVISION SITUATED IN THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RAiVOE 55 WEST OF THE 6TN P.M., SCOTTS BLUFF COU , NEBRASKA 0 LOT3, BLOCK 1 SECOND IMMIGRANT TRAIL SUBDIVISION 3.57Acres+_ Set 5/8"x30' Reber R Record D/stance M Measured DL~tance P.C. Pot,t of Curvature oo*, LOT 3, BLOCK 1, '~ SECOND IMMIGRANT TRAIL SUBD~ISION ~ SC0 7TS BLUFF COUNTY, NEBRASKA SHEET 3 OF 3 OWNER'S STATEMENT We~thS.q gl e undersigned, being the owners of that part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 31, Township 22 North, Range ~5'West of the 6~ P.M., Scotte Bluff County, Nebraska, as described in the foregoing 'SurveyoYs Certificate' and shown on the accompanying plat have caused such real estate to be plaited as LOT 3, BLOCK 1, SECOND IMMIGRANT TRAIL SUBDIVISION, situated In the Notfheast Quarter of Section 31, Township 22 North, Range 55 West of the 6th P.M., Scolds Bluff County, Nebraska. That the foregoing plat is made with the free consent and in accordance with the desires of the undersigned owners. We hereby dedicate the utility easements shown on the plat, to the use and benefit of the public. Datedthis /~ -dayof /~I~'~:.,,~,~-L2 ,20~(~. City of Scottsbluff, Nebraska, A Municipal Corporation Da~ld-l~°eCi~ned Mayo~ ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF NEBRASKA ) COUNTY OF SCO TTS BLUFF) Before me, a Notary Public, qualified and acting in said Counly, personally came David Boeckner, Mayor, City of Scottsbluff, Nebraska, a Municipal Corporation, to me known to be the identical person whose signature is affixed to the foregoing 'Owner's Stetemenf and acknowledged the execution thereof to be his velunta~y act and deed, and the voluntsq/ act and deed of the Ci(y of Scottsbluff, Nebraska, a Municipal Corporation. WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL THIS .lu,~ DAY OF ~ 20 t c. My Commission Eypires /£. ' / ~ ' ~ c C ..L. APPROVAL AND ACCEPTANCE The foregoing plat of LOT 3, BLOCK 1, SECON~I~fMIGRANT TRAIL SUBDIVISION, situa~d in the Norfheast Quarter of Section 31, Township 22 North, Range ~West of the 6th P.M., Scoffs Bluff County, Nebraska, rs hereby approved by the Mayor and, City Counci! pf the City of Sco~Isbluff, Scotts Bluff County, Nebraska, by resolution duly passed this /~ day of ,~ ~ ~ L~5~~ , 20 £'.C~ ATTEST: Ii t. LOT3, BLOCK 1, ~ SECOND IMMIGRANT TRAIL SUBDIVISION SCOTTS BLUFF COUNTY, NEBRASKA SHEET 2 OF 3 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, Kelly A. Beatiy, a Nebraska Regtstered Land Surveyor, hereby certify that I have surveyed and prepared a p/at of LOT 3, BLOCK 1, SECOND IMMIGRANT TRAIL SUBDIVISION, situated in the Northeast Quarter of Section 31, Township 22 North, Range ~ W[~ast of the 6th P.M., Scotts Bluff County, Nebreska, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast Comer of Section 31, thence westerly on the north line of said Section 31, on an assumed bearing of NgO~OO~OO"W, a distance of 715.68 feet, to the point of intereection with the wast fight of way line of Immigrant Trail D~'e, as platted, thance beadng S31°42'00"E, on said wast dght of way line of Immigrant Trail Drive, a dis~"e of 24.65 feet, to the point of cun/oture of a cunra to the left, said curve having a central angle of 00~42'0g", a radius of 3004.80 feet, a chord beadng of S33°0~33"E, and a chord length of 36.85 feet, thence southeasterly on arc of said curve, and on said wast right of way line of Immigrant Trail Drive, an arc distance of 36.65 feet, to the Northeast Comer of Lot 2, Block 1, Replat of Lot 2B, Replat of Lot 2, Block 1, Second Immigrant Trail Subdivision, and said corner being the POINT OF BEGINNING, thence continuing on arc of said curve, and on said wast right of way line of Immigrant Trail Ddve, said curve having a central angle 06~37~06", a chord beadng of S36~46'11'E, a chord length of 346. g0 feet, and an arc distance of 347.10 feet, thence beadng NSO~58'34"E, on said dght of way line of Immigrant Trail Drive, as platted, a distance of 65.52 feet, as measured, to the point of intersection with the west right of way line of U.S. Highway 26, and the point of Intersection with a een-tenget curve to the left, said cun/e having a central angle of 03~59'11", a radius of 2934.80 feet, a chord beadng of S41°30'42"E, and a chord length of 204.14 feet, thence southeasterly on the west dght of way line of U.S. Highway 26, and arc of said cu~e, a distance of 204.18 feet, to the point of intersection with the wast right of way line of the South BelSine Highway, thence beadng S36~11'52"W, on said west fight of way line of the Sou~ Beffiine Highway, a distance of 238. lg feet, to the point of intersection with the north #ght of way line of the Chicago Burlington Northern and Quincy Railroad, thence bearing N66°53'OI'W, on said north dght of way line of the Chicago Burlington Northem and Quincy Railroad, a distance of 461.13 feet, to the Southeast Comer of Lot 2, Block I, Replat of Lot 2B, Rapist of Lot 2, Block 1, Second Immigrant Trail Subdivision, thence beadng N23~15'14"E, on the east line of Lot 2, Block 1, Replat of Lot 2B, Replat of Lot 2, Block 1, Second Immigrant Trail Subdivision, a dis~aoce of 335.74 feet, as measured, thence bearing N5 I°02'10"E, on said east line of Lot 2, Block 1, Replet of Lot 2B, Replat of Lot 2, Block 1, Second Immigrant Trail Subdivision, a distance of 53.65 feet, as measured, to the point of Intersection ~ a non-tenget curve to the fight, said cur~e having a central angle of 71°42'03", a radius of 50.00 feet, a chord beadng of N03~1 ~2 7"W, and a chord length of 56. 57 feet, thence northwesterly on said arc and the east line of Lot 2, Block 1, Replat of Lot 2B, Replat of Lot 2, Block 1, Second Immigrant Trail Subdivlsfen, a distance of 62.57 feet, to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing an area of 3.57 acres, mom or loss. That the accompanying plat is a tree delineation of such survey drawn to a scale of 100 feat to the inch. That all dimensions are in feet and decimals. That each lot and block has ~ts own number and that the boundaq/ of the plat is shown w~th a heavy solid line with dashed lines being for ortantetion puq~sas 0n/y. That e//comers found WlTNESS MY HAND AND SEAL THIS ~ DAY OF ~ FOR THE FIRM OF M. C. SCHAFF AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Kelly A. Botany, Nebraska Registered Land Surveyor, L. S. 476 LS-476