HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-6029 i I Iii i I I I I OCI< 1 , 15,0' 80""1"9 I: I i aL DornaN SoIbookLlno ~ 'I ! LACIAA -\- I I \If>.. 1,79 acres - I II I 1U I 1D.aUIllIf)'~ I Ease-mdlll , 20.0' Waler Main I I I Uli/irv EB~llm{!fI' I 20.0' Watar Main I I _ r''YEo,om..::. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ LJ II -_~ __ -=-=- __ -=-=- __ -=-=- -JC i I I I I · 1 I I I I I ,- - ~ - - -lO~ ~ -=-=- ~ +.-:; I IJ L_~___ -----~- 2D.a Sswer ,Uain I I I ~~ I I I : I I I I I I I ~~~--- --,---------Jci L _ _ _ _ _ ~l~8~ _ L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -13~lJ_J I , SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, Kelly A BeEltty, a Neb~ ska egistered Land Surveyor, hereby certify that I hElve surveyed and prepared a plat of BLOCK 1, AMENDED PLA T OF BLOCK 1, VALAC/A NORTH A DITI N, to the C/f}: of Gering, Scotts Bluff County, Nebraska, a Replat of Blocks 3A and 4A. a Replat of Block 3 Replat and Block 4, Temple Subdivision, 'n the City of Gering, Scoffs Bluff County, Nebraska, The purpose being to remove the 15' building setback line as shown on the previously recorded plat. The c rrent Zoning f/eslgnation will dictate the building setback requirements. That the accompanying lat Is a true delineation of such survey drElwn to a scale of 50 feet to the inch. That all dimensions Eire In feet Elnd decimals. That each lot and block has It own number. That 'the boundary of the plat Is shown with a heavy solid line with dashed lines being for or/entEltlon purposes only. That all comem found 0 set a marked as shown. 1:t ' I this ~ day of ~ ,.)1' FF NO ASSOC/A TES, INC. . :r---------. NUM. INDEX f3 ~ COMPUTER .lr( PICTURED ~ IMAGED ~ N' 1',1 r'^Gr::s L,":;"'/IX_ I. 1'<; 11" ",1_ Rf:,C' 0 RET Pg CHG I RET_ ~ ~ ,P ~CI'I(,~ T_ -.c=---- ~ . .r 20.00' R 'L..I BLOCK 1, AMENDEfJ PLAT OF BLOCK 1, VALACIA NORTH ADDITION to he City of Gering, Scotts Bluff County, Nebraska, a Replat of, Blocks 3A and 4A. a Repla~ of Block 3, Replat and Block 4, TEMPLE SUBDIVISION, Imthe City of Gering, Scotts Bluff County, Nebraska. 302.4lJ R ---- N3i~-::'E ---- ~ __IAssumed)_________ ---l ' RlJ 20,0' Alley ! ~gg~ ft--I 262.64' N89'67'23"E i , LAT OF alOCK 1, BlOCK 1, ~M~~6~~ ADDITION VAVf'C 0.81 acres :t !i-J "'\1 ":~ 19~ VI ~ ~ill l!j- -~ '" i 282.42' S:89'S7'19"W It 1;:, f;j Inst 20D!; - 6029 RECORDED SCOTTS BLUFF COUNTY, NE Dal.e--I(,~()'>S 11m. I,;l.:lf"f~ ~ a. hCUUA/ REGISTER OF DEEDS i 0 50 100 . , Scale In Feet ~ Existing 5/8' Rebar ROW Right 01 Way s: ci ct b c <ci <0 1Il :, ~ '<C ~ ,20 blr Land SUlvey~r. L. S. 476 Inst 2005 - 6029 BLOCK 1, AMENDED PLAT OF BLOCK 1, VALACIA NORTH ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GERING, SCOTTS BLUFF COUNTY, NEBRASKA SHEET 2 OF 3 OWNER'S STA TEMENT We, the undersi ne , being the owners of land as described in the foregoing "Surveyor's Certificate" and shown on the acco pa ying plat /;lave caused such real estate to be platted as BLOCK 1, AMENDED PLA T OF BLOCK 1, VALACIA NO TH ADDITION to the City of Gering, Scotts Bluff County, Nebraska, a Replat of Blocks 3A and 4A, Replat of B ck 3 Replat, and Block 4, Temple Subdivision, in the City of Gering, Scotts Bluff County, Nebraska I I i i made wi~h the free consent and in accordance with the desires of the undersigned , 20 C) C . That the foregoing owners. Dated this ~ d yo A1..J, Owner: Block 1, Va cia North Addition, Valaela Nort Vii ,L.L.C. ! I by: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Before me, a No ry ubHc, qualified and acting in said County, personally came Nancy J. Bentley, Executive Director, Valacia No h lila, L.L.C.i to me known to be the identical person whose signature is affixed to the foregoing "Owner's tat men(" and: acknowledged the execution thereof to be her voluntary act and deed. i ~ " WITNESS MY HAND N NOTARIAL SEAL this ~ day of AUt~ 20LJS. ~ -dJi~~~4~ Insf 2005 - 6029 '1 BLOCK 1, AMENDED PLA T OF BLOCK 1, VALACIA NORTH ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GERING, SCOITS BLUFF COUNTY, NEBRASKA SHEET 3 OF 3 APPROVAL The foregoing plat of LOCK 1, AMENDED PLAT OF BLOCK 1, VALACIA NORTH ADDITION, to the City of Gering, Scotts Bluff oun ,Nebraska, a Replat of Blocks3A and 4A, Replat of Block 3 Replat, and Block 4, Temple Subdivision i the City of Ge~ing, Scotts Bluff County, Nebraska, is hereby approved by the City Administrator and th .ci Engineer 'of the City of Gering, Nebraska, pursuant to Section 19-916, Re-issue of Revised Statutes of N b,., ska, as amended by Section 10 of L.B. 71, approved March 5, 1983, and amendment to Article 21, Section 21.30 by Ordina'nce No. 1517 to the City of Gering, Nebraska. Gary Rimington City Administrator ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF NEBRAS COUNTY OF scon WITNESS MY HAND i I i p bUc, qua/~fied and acting in said County, personally came Gary Rimington, City ity f Gering, Scotts Bluff County, Nebraska, to me known to be the identical person whose the foregoing"Approvaf' and acknowledged the execution thereof to be his voluntary act Before me, a Not Administrator for the signature is affixed t . and deed. My Commision Expif< s: i tA n OTARIAf: SEAL this /S day of (,.b.(~ 20 e;s . . Q -rn",,'-,<- 1) R~~,,- N~iC I GEnERAL If8TARY._ of I18brasu ROSEMARIE D. RUSSELl. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF NEBRAS COUNTY OF scon Before me, a Not ry P bUc, qualified and acting in said County, personally came Brian E. Sweeney, City Engineer, for the Ci of ering, Scons Bluff County, Nebraska, to me known to be the identical person whose signature is affixed t the foregoing :"Approvaf' and acknowledged the execution thereof to be his voluntary act and deed. . WITNESS MY HAND ND NOTARIAl SEAL this / Sl!: day of Q'-?J'-uo:t- 20 DS . /:.:J~.-. r.K~ ~ jJ, Q4-<7t7 c! ~ ~bliC My Commision Expi,., s: